ATAD & ERA collaborated to work as a joint venture focused on delivering valuable growth opportunities to the global businesses through our widespread network backed by effective insights & assessments.  

Right from talking about the capital required for making new investments to considering the resources needed for the recruitment of employees for your workforce & finding ways to encourage competitiveness or profits, almost every organization demands additional cash flow to survive in the market.

With one of the largest specialist consultancies in the world ERA, the team at ATAD implements cost optimization strategies & find feasible opportunities for business growth with zero potential financial risks.

The strategists & consultants at ATAD are skilled at brainstorming the best ideas & solutions to optimize your supply chain & processes that are suitable for your business. All of your day-to-day business operations would run without any disruption & every activity will be under your control during the assessment & cost optimization. Our bespoke specialization led us to bring meaningful insights & knowledge of the project with you. We always strive to improve our skills & techniques to stay at the top of the industry alongside fostering your businesses with higher savings & profits. 

Our four pillars of cost optimization process with ERA

Analysis- We analyse your concurrent business status on a basis of thorough research & create a report on the basis of selected cost categories that are meant for generating more savings. 

Research: We will come up with a descriptive report to share insights into the existing market scenario to let you identify the scope of areas where potential savings can be done.

Selection & Implementation: Upon choosing the right scope, we build strategies & implement them to achieve savings in your company.

Monitoring: Our experts monitor the results & saving reports for the next 24-48 months by analysing the performance reports on a regular basis.